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Newborn Baby


What a sweet, intense, triumph it is to finally meet your baby for the first time! There is still more to your journey; the messy miracle of healing and recovery is ahead. Take time for self care and hot baths. And as best as you can, marvel at the strange and seemingly impossible things your body continues to do,

because nothing is as stunning, resilient, or miraculous as the body of a mother.

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Other Tips & Essentials

  • Wear extra absorbant pads, or even adult diapers for those first several days of heavy bleeding.

  • Keep a package of wet wipes for yourself (Use with Peri Spritz to clean and soothe pain or itching!)

  • If you don't have a bathtub, find a sitz bath to soak and soothe your bum on the toilet!

  • Start taking probiotics before delivery if possible, for easier postpartum bowel movements.

  • Cold, minimum 2 minute showers can help re-energize you, and help with blues.

  • Focus on bonding and healing with your baby - delegate meals, housework, etc.

  • Even if it is physically possible for you to do that thing, whatever it is, ASK FOR HELP.

  • Helpful nursing supplies: nursing bra, mechanical pump, AND a handheld pump. Sometimes this is convenient to have on hand when you don't want to haul the mother pump.

  • A milk saver can save *lots* (seriously so much) milk leaking from your free breast while baby nurses.

  • Store pumping bottles in the fridge for 2-3 days to avoid washing after every pump!

  • Use COLD compresses or ice on engorged breasts. (pro tip: moisten breast pads, and put them in the freezer for about ten minutes or until they reach a "soft" freeze, then tuck them into your bra!)

  • Learn about and practice hand expression, even before delivery. This is a great technique to use early on to increase milk supply.

  • When your milk comes in, you might find yourself waking up in milk puddles! It's helpful to sleep on a towel for easy clean up.

  • Your baby's GREATEST NEED is a healthy mama. Listen to your needs, and take care of yourself!

Product Care


Keep products at room temperature and out of direct sunlight. Some of the products are sensitive to temperature changes.


As much as I want each jar of cream to arrive looking like the perfect swirl of whipped cream, the contents may settle during shipping and handling, but the effectiveness of the product will not alter.


Separation is natural and may occur in the cream and nipple butter! To achieve a desired consistency, you may refrigerate to harden them, or warm them in sunlight or warm water.


Because of the natural anti-bacterial properties, these products don't ever really spoil, though they are most effective within two years.

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